Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
Richard Kaszeta > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet > writes:
> > I only adopt adult dogs now.
> > Even with their "bad habits", I've found them easier
> > to deal with than puppies. I don't usually have to
> > deal with the housebreaking issue, and dealt with the
> > destructive chewing issue using stuffed "Kongs".
> My aussie can shred a Kong in 5 minutes... Glad he doesn't chew random
> items anymore...
Really? :-)
That is an awfully tough toy!
Guess you might be best off with knucklebones then.
Those can also be stuffed.
> > It's kind of you to do foster training! Wish I had the time.
> Sometimes it is fun, sometimes it is hard, and once or twice it has
> been heartbreaking. But mostly the former, since there are a lot of
> dogs and cats that are fun to have for a while, and you can make a
> real difference in their outcome, but that many animals would burn me
> out long-term (for instance, having a cat and five kittens in the
> house while weaning was fun, but after that it was good to see them go
> to long-term homes). For that matter, my Aussie is my former foster
> dog that we liked so much he couldn't go back to the shelter.
That's what I'd be worried about.
Getting too attached.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson