"OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
>> >> What are Hotwires?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > Electric wires.
>> >
>> > Nearly invisible, inexpensive and instantly effective.
>> > My BC tends to fence chase and she leaps so high, I was afraid she was
>> > going to accidently go over the fence. She never really tried to, but
>> > it
>> > was a risk we chose not to take.
>> >
>> > I strung a double hot wire along the fence line.
>> >
>> > Problem solved. ;-)
>> >
>> > Some people think they are creul but I don't agree. A dog will hit a
>> > wire once, _maybe_ twice then will never go near it again.
>> I wish I could use them, but I have a corner lot. Anything like that
>> would
>> have to be 8 feet in from the curb to comply with the law. That leaves 8
>> feet of open territory for the dog criminals and their filthy vermin.
> I wonder...
> Maybe you could get permission?
Nope. I had a sign at the corner saying "No dogs, no exceptions. This is a
garden". I was told "no variances". And, any closer to the street, the wires
would be buried by the snowplow anyway. I *will* be putting wires around the
vegetable garden next year, though. The deer are out of hand. Phuque Bambi.
Seriously, the best way to deal with dogs is to make it entertaining for ME,
and painful for them and their owners. Confrontation, calls to the police,
public humiliation - it's all part of the game. A friend just gave me a
lovely suggestion. Keep a can of day-glo orange spray paint by the door.
Doesn't matter if it's empty. If a dog criminal is paused with their vermin
doing its business, go out there and get "conversationally close" to the
person. Say nothing. Walk alongside them as they leave. At some point,
they're going to ask why I'm there. I say "You think my lawn needs dog shit
on it. I think your front door should be bright orange. I'm coming home with
you.". Just keep walking with them. Naturally, they'll either run, or we'll
arrive at their place and they'll call the cops. Then the fun begins.