a good grater
aem wrote:
> jw 1111 wrote:
> > Hi, i have a food processor that grates carrots just fine. but sometimes i
> > only want to do a couple of carrots and washing out the processor seems to
> > make too much work. is there a good grater/shredder type thing out their
> > other than the standard lack-lustre stand up type stainless steel grater
> > please?
> When I want long thin strips I just use a y-type peeler. Put the
> carrot down on a board and make cuts from end to end. A little
> practice and it's pretty fast. More consistent than a grater.
The poster clearly said "grated" (see 1st sentence), not strips.
The poster needs to specify quantity of grated carrot needed... for a
small amount (less than a cupful) an ordinary hand grater works fine...
for larger quantities I put the carrots through my meat grinder.