Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
> I know it sure makes cleaning them easier as the dogs really do a good
> job getting the "gross" off...
> I found, much to my surprise, that many of my co-workers join me in this
> practice when I've talked about it at work. :-)
> And I know the dogs sure appreciate it.
> I also let them do the skillet once in awhile if I've cooked something
> particularly messy. The border collie even gets her teeth into it and
> scrapes things pretty well.
> Cheers!
I don't, but I'll often scrape out some of the leavings into their bowls.
About the only time they get to "lick the plate" is when I've done burgers
on the grill and set them on a plate to rest while preparing the buns. The
dogs get to lick the resting plate after I've bunned the burger.
Lisa: "Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?"
Homer: "Well, I think the veal died of loneliness."