Hi all, My name is nancy and I've been lurking for about 2-3 weeks...
I bought my starter from SD International, after trying for more than
a couple weeks to do my own with not much success :-( I made my first
loaves yesterday following directions that came with the culture..
Rose pretty good and I did the slow oven bake. The crust is hard as a
rock and the inside was too dense and felt moist altho it was cooked
thru... I'll have to say one will make a great doorstop tho !!!! I
am a pretty proficient yeast bread maker but this sourdough is
throwing me for a loop!!!!!
One question, when starter is at peak, is it just really bubbly or
does the amount double? I get really bubbly but amount doesn't seem
to change much. It must be at least partially right or my bread
wouldn't haven't risen, me thinks.... anyways any help will be
greatly appreciated !!! I have some starter out now and following
directions from Joe Jaworski's site.. I'm not giving up and at the
rate I'm going will have to buy flour bulk for my attempts !!!
LOL nancy