The cat prefers sencha [was Anyone Tried This?]
I gave a pouchong second steep in lukewarm water to Felix. I got a
"are you trying to poison me?" look in return. I'll report on a sensha
try when I make one. Toci
stePH wrote:
> crymad wrote:
> >
> > ... But for a real "sweet" style, I'd rather just steep
> > [Japanese sencha] in room temperature water for 30-60 minutes,
> > sparing the tea the agony of a hot bath altogether.
> I dropped a pinch of sencha into one of my cats' water bowls the other
> day, and caught one of them drinking from that bowl rather than the
> bowl of untainted water right next to it. Haven't yet observed which
> one the others prefer.
> stePH
> --
> GoogleGroups licks balls.