aem wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> >
> > The poster clearly said "grated" (see 1st sentence), not strips.
> >
> She specified she is looking for a tool OTHER THAN a grater.
The poster said "is there a good grater/shredder type thing out their
other than the standard lack-lustre stand up type stainless steel
Strips are not grated/shredded... and how do you know it's a she?
> I said she can produce grater-type results using a
> peeler. If you put the carrot down on the board you can control the
> length and the thickness of the peelings. It works fine, so quitcha
> bitchin'.
Strips are not grating/shreding. You are the one who's bitchin'.
The poster seemed not to want any clean up... I don't see how carrots
are difficult to clean up... but I also use a saftey grater, looks like
a rectangular tennis raquet, does an excellent job and is very easy to
I have this one: