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Default Chicken feet for stock

> Also, what are good spices to use in making chicken stock? Or is that
> something to be added later when making the soup?

well i sure dont know about the chicken feet *shriek*


to make a stock, first of all you have to sweat the onions, gently, not
fast, dont burn them as this changes the flavour, cook them slowly till they
become see throughish. the proper word is transluscent but i dunno how to
spell that so seethroughish it is. anyway, then add some cut up carrots,
celery, peppercorns and gently fry them off to release the flavour. just
brown it a bit to get the vegies to release their flavours. Add the chicken
bones as well and brown them all off to release their own flavours. then add
water and slowly simmer for at least a couple hours. skim the fat of the
top periodically when you see the fat globs. you use any part of the
chicken. just whack it in. when its all done and finished, you strain it at
the end. pour it into icecube containers. freeze in icecubes and fresh stock
whenever you need them.

bon apetit
