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Bob (this one)
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Default Chicken feet for stock

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>it'll be cloudy (an aesthetic judgement). The stock will become solid
>>upon cooling. The feet will be useless for anything else, throw them

> Are you nuts??!! Sprinkle a little salt on those feet and suck the
> bones clean! I hesitate to say there's meat on them there feet -- it's
> more of something gelatinous. Yum!!

I agree. As long as there's still something left. The gelatin is a very
sensuous mouthfeel. Silky, almost like a rich fat, slightly sticky. I've
tried to feed them to people, most of whom either sneered or gagged.
More for me. On occasion, I've dipped them into a tomato sauce and
picked them clean. Once in a garlicky mayo like aioli.

One time, maybe 1979 or so, sitting out back of one of my restaurants
and eating, away from the madness, guy came along and saw what I was
eating (maybe 6 or 8 feet, salt and pepper) and he asked if he could
have one. Suit and tie kinda guy, frayed a bit and not completely clean.
I gave him one and he told an amazing story about his parents coming
from Russia and how they raised and slaughtered chickens for sale and
kept the feet, combs and wattles for themselves to eat. They sold
everything else. He said he hadn't had a foot in years and he cried
while we sat there, remembering. Talked about his sister who lived in
Canada, his mother who had just died and his father who had been gone
since the late 50's. We sat there and ate the rest of the feet. I went
inside to get more stuff; I wasn't hungry, but he was. We sat out there
for a good hour, eating, talking, laughing. I had one of my guys wrap up
a good package of food for him, including maybe a dozen feet. Later, the
kitchen folks said they'd dropped $25 in the bag, too. My kitchen
manager said, "And we only took $10 out of the register to put in
there." Wonderful day...

> You heathen! Oh, wait -- that's
> probably me.

Um, prolly both of us.
