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Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
In article .com>,
"SD" > wrote:
> Doug Kanter wrote:
> > "SD" > wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > > Doug Kanter wrote:
> >
> > >> Good for you. I once entered a relative's house, and her stupid border
> > >> collie leapt onto my chest, got her claw stuck in the chest pocket of a
> > >> $600
> > >> suit, and tore the left panel right off the jacket. Big learning
> > >> experience
> > >> for the lady. Expensive, too.
> > >
> > > It wasn't her stupid border collie. I was HER STUPIDITY in not properly
> > > training the dog. Most dog "problems" originate with the owners
> > > inability to be responsible dog owners. You're blaming the dog for the
> > > failings of it's owner.
> > >
> > > SD
> > >
> >
> > You're right, but it doesn't matter. Everyone's conditioned by the living
> > things they interact with, whether they be people, animals or plants with
> > thorns. Dogs train their owners, who cut them way too much slack to do
> > stupid things.
> >
> > And by the way, border collies have no use as pets in a typical
> > neighborhood. Selective breeding has created dogs which, if they were
> > people, would have flunked all their courses in high school and been in
> > juvenile detention centers by age 18.
> Um...I'm quite aware of the ins and outs of border collies, where they
> do belong and don't belong, what they are best suited for and their
> intelligence level. The combined dog training experience of me and my
> SO totals well over 50 years in a variety of herding, working, and
> terrier breeds. SO has been training and showing herding and working
> breed dogs since 1957. We also own cattle/sheep herding dogs, currently
> three, down from 5. The breed we own not only is used for herding but
> the Dutch swat teams use them as their K-9 dog of choice. The SO has
> also trained a few as personal protection dogs for high profile people
> who don't want one of the traditional dogs used for protection work. If
> you don't know what breed I'm talking about, good because we want to
> keep it that way. Most of us who own this breed keep the PR way down
> because they lousy pets for the average Joe. They invariably end up
> being put down as being vicious or sent to rescue to be rehabbed as a
> result of incompetent owners. We aquired one that way, from rescue
> because the wife was terrified of it and the husband was always away
> TDY in the military. The woman was terrieifed to train it her self and
> sent it off to a number of trainers who did nothing more than create a
> nearly psychotic dog. Dog training/obedience classes aren't about
> traing the dog..they're about training the owner to train their dog.
> SD
German shepard?
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson