"Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
"<RJ>" > wrote:
> Dinner at a dear friends house is a chore.
> She's got two cocker spaniels,
> and both are shameless beggars.
> They beg ( vocally and nudgingly )
> during food prep
> during the meal
> during clean-up.
> She thinks "it's cute".
> It's like having a bunch of unruly children
> spoiling an otherwise delightful occasion.
> <rj>
At that point, I'd put them outdoors. ;-)
Our cats tend to be overly-moochy sometimes, so out they go to the sun
porch! They can have the leftovers..... and the pans. <G>
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson