Thread: Thanksgiving
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Default Thanksgiving

In article >,
(Donna Pattee) wrote:

> In article >,
> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Goomba38 > wrote:
> >
> >> MoM wrote:
> >>
> >> > You can precook and slice your turkey up to a month ahead. Then, on the
> >> > day; while all the side dishes are cooking; you take a roasting pan and
> >> > line
> >> > it with LETTUCE. A couple of layers. Put your turkey in, you can
> >> > separate
> >> > dark and white meat. Cover with another couple of layers of lettuce and
> >> > put
> >> > the lid on. Put in a 325* oven while you are cooking the potatoes and
> >> > veg
> >> > and reheating the gravy and stuffing. I imagine the stuffing can go in
> >> > the
> >> > oven too. Usually by the time everything else is ready, and you take
> >> > the
> >> > lid off the roasting pan it will be steaming and the turkey will be
> >> > moist
> >> > and delicious just like fresh cooked.
> >>
> >> There is something sooooooooo wrong about this, to me. Part of my
> >> pleasure is the smell of roasting turkey (as well as all the labor) on
> >> the actual day of Thanksgiving. It feeds into my need for tradition.
> >> What do you serve and carve at the table? I don't have any trouble
> >> preparing a large meal with many different items on that day. It just
> >> takes planning. I had a neighbor once who roasted then sliced the turkey
> >> the night before and just let it sit out. It was so unappetizing, as
> >> well as a huge bacterial risk.

> >
> >I can see why a very, very busy person might do this but to me, what's
> >the point? :-( If I work Thanksgiving (and I usually do), I just have it
> >on that weekend instead...
> >
> >Since I work night shift tho', I might actually be able to pull it off
> >if I prepare everything the day before and get it ready to go, and just
> >start cooking when I get home and skip that morning workout. That would
> >put me home about 07:30 am and I have to go to sleep by about 2 pm or so.
> >
> >Cheers!
> >--
> >Om.
> >
> >"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack
> >Nicholson

> So, if someone is so busy they need to cook their turkey a month ahead
> of time, why not just go out for dinner? In our very extended family,
> the preparation is done as a collaborative effort. We put things together
> while talking, laughing and catching up with family members we haven't
> seen in a while. If any of us were worried about the amount of time it
> took, we would be better off just renting a banquet room or having the
> dinner catered.

Well stated. :-)
Personally, I'd _never_ prepare food a month in advance! Maybe the
weekend before, but that's only 4 days...

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson