Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
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Peter Huebner
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"Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
> They beg ( vocally and nudgingly )
> during food prep
> during the meal
> during clean-up.
> She thinks "it's cute".
<groan> don't people like that just get on your nerves? Well, it's their
pets, realy I suppose.
Our dogs and cat get fed at set times. In their respective foodbowls
_only_. The dogs have to sit in their little houses and wait until the
food's been delivered, and are only allowed to come and get it upon
The cat never howls for food or gets under your feet unless it's his
tucker time, and a two year old bearing an ice cream cone can walk
across our yard without being molested by the dogs ... that's the way
I like it :-)
firstname dot lastname at gmail fullstop com
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