It's amazing how in a Vegan group someone could hate a Doctorbecause he's a vegan
Dave wrote:
> Beach Runner wrote:
>>Dave wrote:
>>>I don't hate the man. It just seems rather convinient that his opinions
>>>on nutrition
>>>condemn exactly the same foods as his opinions on ethics.
>>Yet they are published in peer reviewed journals, subject to the highest
>>level of criticism.
> Be that as it may, his views on nutrition are not entirely mainstream
> and just happen to mesh perfectly with his ethics.
He obviously is inspired. That doesn't negate the integrity of his
work, or make it not worth considering. Just as it has been published
with other world class authors and researchers. Yes, he also writes in
the free press.
>>He also write to reach in the popular press.
>>This is a vegan news group.
> Does that mean sceptics are unwelcome?
Skepticism is always healthy and valuable.