a good grater
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 05:22:27 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>> and my cousin uses a small chainsaw on frozen chickens.
That sounds a little dangerous. Either you would have to have your
fingers very close to the chain, or the chicken would fly across the
>Hee! It was suggested to me to use a reciprocating saw for butchering
>emu, mainly for cutting down the spinal column and removing the breast
>Might come in handy for deer too.
Yes it's very handy for deer, as is a band saw. Each tool reserved for
use with food. Stainless steel blades, food grade mineral oil for
lubricant. And taken apart and cleaned after each use.
>I'd reserve specific blades for meat if the saw was also going to be
>used for other projects.
Pan Ohco