Soup Stock
Haha, alright, I came off as anal, but I assure you, I live in complete
squalor. I've made soup stock many times, but the reason I say "construct"
and "chemsitry" is because --
when making meat stock, the gelatin is prized from the animal. So, for
instance, is there a replacement for the gelatin? Okra produces a sappy
liquid, which is used for gumbo, but what about using it in stock itself?
What about fruit pectin instead of gelatin? This is why chemistry is
important, so one thing can be replaced for another and still stay in the
boundaries of being stock. Stock is a serious subject if you come from the
French side of cooking (aka, everything the Joy of Cooking bases itself
around). To change what stock you are using changes everything. Developing
a unique stock is necessary for anyone seeking an anal originality in their
cooking. I don't know about you guys, but I won't be able to call myself a
cook until I can find a stock recipe that says "I am a anal, brilliant
******* who can make a great Veloute sauce because no one has any clue
what's in my stock". Stock in French is "Fond" (did I miss an 'e'?) and
this means "base". I don't want to put make-up on my cooking, I want to
build it up from the genes.
Applying my God Complex to Cookery,