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Dan Abel
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Default OT Halloween twin pictures

In article >,
Tara > wrote:

> 1297CC606EA}&IDKey=0

Beautiful babies! But that picture #9 was amazing. That's the biggest
house I've ever seen, not to mention the pantry.


> OB Food: I'm trying to get away from baby food. Max and Whit are
> eating lots of oatmeal, applesauce, cheese, scrambled eggs, Cheerios,
> orzo with cheese and/or marinara sauce. I'm going to give them
> refried beans tonight.

When our kids were little, somebody gave us a baby food grinder. It was
the size and shape of a pepper grinder, even with the crank on top. You
put in whatever the rest of the family is having, give the handle a few
turns and you have coarsely ground food. It came apart easily for
cleaning. I recommend them highly.

Dan Abel

Petaluma, California, USA