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Default OT Halloween twin pictures

On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 22:19:06 GMT, Dan Abel > wrote:

>Beautiful babies! But that picture #9 was amazing. That's the biggest
>house I've ever seen, not to mention the pantry.

Yes, it's so fun to live inside a grocery store. (Smile) We were at
our local Kroger store's fall festival and costume contest. We won!
>When our kids were little, somebody gave us a baby food grinder. It was
>the size and shape of a pepper grinder, even with the crank on top. You
>put in whatever the rest of the family is having, give the handle a few
>turns and you have coarsely ground food. It came apart easily for
>cleaning. I recommend them highly.

I need to start just grinding or mashing up whatever we are eating.
We don't always eat the most pure, organic food, so I get a bit
worried. One of my cousins was a labor and delivery nurse for many
years, so she got to know a good number of pediatricians. She asked
one what to feed her baby boys and she was told just to puree whatever
she cooked for dinner. She had the same concerns as me -- I'm not
cooking organic broccoli, I'm cooking casseroles, beans and rice,
etc. -- the ped told her to throw it all in the blender, your babies
will love it. She did just that, and she has two strong, healthy,
smart, gorgeous teen boys. The oldest is in college on a golf
