Soup Stock
Harry wrote:
> Don't worry about this blokes post. Strangely enough in a totally unrelated
> newsgroup, this bloke also showed his ignorance.
> He didn't get the hint the first time, so I will say it again:
> 'It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than to open
> it and remove all doubt'.
Oh, thank you. There's not enough smug, self-satisfied pontificating in
the world. Please lecture more. Maybe something from several different
cultures, in the native languages, please.
> "salgud" > wrote
>>Ok, Steve, it's alright to be a little anal, but when you start talking
>>about "constructing" stock, you've gone over the top! Please seek help!
>>Don't even want to comment on "a book dealing with the chemistry of
>>Have a nice, highly organized, day!