Results of chicken stock trial
MG wrote:
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote in message
> ...
>>MG wrote:
>>>I have to wonder, is Bob (this one) always this rude to someone who just
>>>wants some info and confirmation of what might work best by other
>>>peoples' experiences, rather than become confused by the mass of
>>>information out there in Google-verse or whatever?
>>No. Not always. Rarely, actually. Just when they put on as determined a
>>show as this not to actually learn, in a reasonably systematic way, what
>>the hell they're doing. And, I know you'll be surprised about this, but
>>there are things called "cook-books" (not completely sure of the spelling)
>>that contain directions and explanations to guide the processes. And are
>>written from "other peoples' experiences" as seems so important to you.
>>Chicken stock is one of the simpler things to do in a kitchen. Very few
>>steps. Rather than blunder around screwing it up like the OP did, wasting,
>>time, energy, money, and our time as well, literally two minutes spent
>>reading a recipe from a cookbook would have answered all the questions
>>It's a rather stupid laziness - especially intellectual - that makes a
>>person take all the time spent posting and cooking and screwing around
>>RATHER than just looking in a book or wandering into the vast,
>>incomprehensible, scary "Google-verse or whatever." Gawd...
>>Are you two related?
>>Sheesh this.
>>I didn't see too many helpful bits of information from you, or did I miss
>>something? Perhaps you neglected to note the replies I gave the person and
>>to what depth. Did you have anything to actually contribute to the thread?
> so because I didn't offer any advice to the OP re how to make a decent
> stock, my opinion about anything else in this thread doesn't count?
No. Because you're a net nanny, fatuous in vision and standards, and
because you're a scolding nag. Your only opinion in this thread has been
about me and let's see if you can grasp a simple notion. I don't care
what you think of me. Given your lack of any other contribution, I see
no redeeming features, hence dismissal.
I replied directly to your objections/questions in that first noisome
post of yours. How is it that it all zoomed past you so thoroughly?
> think a lot of yourself
Not really. But I think little of fools. Do go back up and read my
explanation at the top of this note. It explains it all very clearly.
> anyone can make mistakes, even following an apparently tried and true
> recipe...the recipe itself might have a printing error, the person might be
> distracted by something else more important in their lives than a dead chook
> (or bones in this case) or whatever...I don't think making is a decent stock
> is SO important a thing in life that someone should be berated for getting
> it wrong
Do you actually have anything to contribute or will you merely continue
to confabulate like this? Read the crap you just wrote and compare it
with what actually happened and see if your dudgeon has even the
remotest scintilla of merit. Somebody went off half-cocked and created a
bullshit broth not worth eating *because* he did nothing intelligent
towards getting the job done right before doing it. He didn't make
mistakes following a recipe; no typos; no misstatements in the
directions he was trying to follow. He wasn't following *any*
directions. He was guessing and fumbling, violating good sanitation
practices creating potential hazards for him and his family, ruining
what could have been good food and then asking how to fix a terminal
case *of his negligent doing.* Smart, huh...?
All your might-be's and could-have-been's don't diminish the actual
events. I see you want to continue this and I'll be happy to comply, but
I'm growing as tired of your vacuity as I was of that OP's intellectual
laziness and I may soon begin to speak sharply to you and make you cross
with me. Neither of us would like that.
> and yes, I do know how to make a decent stock, but it was a process of trial
> and error to get it the way I like it, and I don't make it entirely the same
> way my chef father did, or my (great Italian cook) mother does
Who cares? Did you nag them, too, with your might-be and could-be view
of the universe? Did you make excuses for negligent strangers then, too?
Please. Killfile me. Your blood pressure will benefit. You'll sleep
better. I won't teach you anything new that you'll have to give me
credit for so I'll get all conceited, and be like HelloOo, and all.
What's not to like?
No, seriously...