How to add stuff to Ramen Noodles?
In article >, "Ron G" >
> Ok, Thanks-- :-)
> I guess I got a bit thin skinned---
> I'm just the kind of guy to ask about such simole things, like I don/t know
> if I could add Jimmy Dean Sausage to the noodles, or would it make a greasy
> mess or change the taste horribly or whatever.
> Coming from a point of almost no knowledge at all, probably some of my
> questions will seem really dumb I guess :-))
> Odd, I was an Engineeeueer, with designs and equipment around the world, US,
> Abu Dhabi, Canada, Venesualia, etc.
> But I can hardly boil water :-))
> Or have any sense as to what goes with what.
> I watch the Food channel now, and they talk about cooking wine being a very
> necessary acidic binder to food particles, or whatever, or an egg can be a
> binder in some recipies, otherwise it falls apart, other foods, egges are
> not good with it, etc, etc, and it ends up going right over my head after a
> while.
> I'm just going to start out with simple stuff, Mac and Cheese, then Ramen
> stuff, then try boiling noodles in chicken stock for flavor (just learned
> that), and getting a grilled chicken ay the grocery store and throwing that
> in, but how do I time when to put celery in, so it isn't boiled to death?
> Those sorts of things :-)
> I just seem to have no aptitude at all in the kitchen :-((
> Jeezz, I could hold a hundred formulas in my head, pull them up from memory,
> and use a calculator to get results.
> But I get all messed up trying to figure timing when noodles will be done,
> how many minutes do I add other stuff early, before the noodles are done,
> etc.
> I get frustrated :-)
> Thanks for any help anyone gives me here.
> Thanks---- :-)
> Ron (looking at the ground, shuffling feet, and feeling generally stupid)
> :-)
First, get a good cookbook.
I personally recommend doubleday...
Next, experiment! That's how I learned! <G>
Generally the hard way but using a cookbook helped.
Cheers and good luck! Cooking is a LOT of fun and really quite easy once
you get the hang of it.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson