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Christine Dabney
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Default Crisco Pie Pastry

Okay folks,

I grew up making the old Crisco pie pastry recipe. My mother taught
me. It used to be on the cans of Crisco.... It was the most
wonderful flaky pie crust.

I had this recipe in my files on my computer, and I lost it earlier
this year when things crashed.

It isn't the current recipe that Crisco publishes. It might be
similar, but the old recipe had one mix water with part of the flour
mixture to form a slurry and add it to the flour/Crisco mixture.

I want that recipe, with the slurry method. Now I use half and half
Crisco and butter, but I really like the slurry method that was used.
I know the basic method, I just need the amounts of the ingredients
and the basic proportions.

Anyone got it this in their files?
