No Cholesterol Diet
Kat wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> . ..
> They were about to take her foot
>> off due to cholesterol blockages in her leg. She had laser surgery
>> in 1988
>> which cleared the cholesterol blockage.
>> Last year she had a clot removed from her carotid artery; they were
>> very worried about the laser surgery breaking up the clot and
>> sending pieces of it up into her brain (thus causing a stroke).
>> Fortunuately the surgery went
>> well and she is now more healthy than I am. Mom is going to be 80 in
>> January.
>> OB Food: her favourite soup courtesy of Mrs. Sam Stafford of
>> Charleston, SC.
>> She-Crab Soup
> hello .. no woder she had Cholesterol problems.
Mom didn't eat this way until she finally figured out, guess what? We're all
going toes up at some point; might as well enjoy your food.
For 25 years mom was on a low-cholesterol diet. Boneless, skinless chicken
breasts, baked, boiled or broiled. Very lean beef; skim milk. Steamed
vegetables. Salads. She (still) uses Benecol in place of butter on veggies
and toast (in fact, butter was never in our house except on holidays as a
'treat' when we were growing up).
The fact is, she ate what her parents fed her. Who knew about cholesterol
in the 1930's and 1940's? No one. Nada, zip, zilch.
Consult the nutritionist/dietician BEFORE your husband comes home.