Thread: WeBeBakin'
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Melba's Jammin'
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Default WeBeBakin' - follow-up

In article <u2Y8f.2397$8T1.847@trnddc05>,
"Back to Chris" > wrote:

> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
> >> Apple Pie for Two
> >>

> >
> > Having eaten half of one, let me say this about that: They are perfect
> > in all respects. I make a damn fine pie crust with that CI recipe - in
> > the food processor.
> > --

> Great thinking, Barb. I will have to try making small pies. We never
> finish a whole pie, and it's such a shame. I don't have 4" pans, but I have
> maybe 5" or 6" deep dish pizza pans (they're kind of thick, and ridged). I
> bought them thinking I could make mini-apple pies in them, but never got
> around to it.
> You've inspired me! I will go to it this week (yeah, and I'll have to try
> those pumpkin muffins that Curly Sue posted about).
> Thx all,
> Chris

Thanks, Chris. I picked up these little pie tins at a brand new kitchen
place at the Mall of America yesterday. I've seen them, too, at outlet
mall kitchen gear places. The ones I bought yesterday were a moral
obligation to purchase -- half a buck each. My next move with these bad
boys may be pumpkin pielets. I think I'd use the measures for a 8"
one-crust - and that would be a generous amount at that. Maybe futz
with making smaller -- yeah, that's the ticket.

My mom used to make something akin to an apple pie, but it was more like
a fruit bar. Two crusts with the apple pie mixture for filling, but it
was not juicy or messy. Just totally wonderful. Gotta check with
Sister Julie for those particulars. She's generally regarded as the
worst cook in the family, but she does a great job with those.
--, updated 10-20-05 with a note from Niece Jo.