No Cholesterol Diet
jmcquown wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
>>jmcquown wrote:
>>>I assume he'll be on medication? There will be things he isn't
>>>supposed to eat which may interact with the medication. One would
>>>think broccoli and spinach would be a good, healthy choice but my
>>>mom was on Kumadin and couldn't eat broccoli or spinach. She's now
>>>off Kumadin and can eat those beloved foods again. Talk with the
>>>doctor. He should know as well as the
>>Jill thanks for posting about the blood thinning. I'm not on Kumadin
>>but am currently on high dosage MSM (methylsulfonymethane) for at
>>a couple of months. MSM has blood thinning qualities. I love
>>broccoli & spinach so eat both several times a week. I best check
>>into whether
>>this will interact with the MSM.
> According to what they told my mom, anything rich in Niacin can negatively
> interact with blood thinners. Also watch taking aspirin and the herbal,
> Ginko Biloba (which while is sold to help memory loss is also a blood
> thinner).
> Jill
Thanks Jill, that is good to know. I'm going to check on it further. I
called my pharmacist who is looking up the info for me but I still want
to ask my doctor. Best to be safe than sorry. I can't take aspirin due
to allergy and prefer not to take Tylenol the pain killer recommended.
I also don't take ginko on a regular basis but occasionally have a cup
of ginko tea.