Thread: Ceramic Knives
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Default Ceramic Knives

Janet Bostwick wrote:

> What's the deal with ceramic knives? I know nothing about them. They're
> touted as never needing sharpening and unbreakable. I'm not interested in
> buying any more knives, but I just want to know something more about them.
> Janet

They are dazzlingly sharp when new and stay that way for a surprising
amount of time. They're super-hard and can score glass or ceramic plates
(don't ask). They're very light in the hand and can be used for a long
time without fatigue.

They can't be sharpened at home and need to be sent off to the factory
for that. They advertise 2-3 weeks turnaround, but my experience is 11
days start to finish.

Drop one on a hard tile floor and it could break. I've never seen any
described as unbreakable. I like them. I was convinced at a meeting
where I literally bumped into Ming Tsai while we both watched the people
from Furi knives demonstrating theirs (stainless steel, and also very
good). I asked Ming what he used and he said that he liked ceramic
knives. We talked about them for a while, so I bought one. Good. Also
bought some Furi knives. Good.

Here's the corporate propaganda from Kyocera. Turn up your sound for a
FlashDance about their knives.
