Thread: Tapioca Pudding
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Dave Smith
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Default Tapioca Pudding

"Bob (this one)" wrote:

> I'm afraid you got a bad recipe. Yes, soak the pearls, but for maybe 6
> hours or more. Overnight wouldn't be bad.

You're right. I didn't follow the link to the recipe earlier. I am amazed
that the soaking time is only one hour. I had a failure with tapioca some
time ago when I tried to shorten the soaking time to 6 hours. The next time
I made it I soaked it overnight.

> For my tastes, tapioca pudding should be dense. Adding the whites would
> lighten it. Dunno if I'd like that.

Adding the egg white gives it a very nice texture.

I used to love it when tapioca was served at home or summer camp. Since so
many people don't like it there was more for me :-) I never did understand
why anyone would dislike it. Maybe it was because we called it fish eyes and