Thread: The Decree
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Margaret Suran
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Default The Decree Pin g Terry

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> (Victor Sack) wrote:
>> Official Announcement
>>Upon careful consideration of the case of a grave offence against public
>>decency on the trollop family newsgroup and an active insubordination by
>>the formerly named "Damsel-in-dis-Dress", The Cabal (TINC) hereby
>>decrees that, as a reflection of the new and regrettable reality, the
>>above person is henceforth to be referred to as "Damsel-in-the-Nude".
>>The Cabal (TINC)

> To D-i-t-N ! Hear, hear! Long may she live and flourish.

I have already voiced my opinion in a private email to the Cabal
(TINC). It is a heartless decree, all the more so, as the weather is
not conducive to strutting around in the nude.

I would like to know whether Terry can advise us as to whether what
the Cabal (TINC) has decreed, is even legal. After all, if the power
behind that decree is a man who is also an 83 year old grandmother and
an 85 year old janitor, it sounds as if this is a case of Triple

If Terry cannot get involved with this, I know that Carol will have a
wonderful spokes person in Nancy Young. Nancy, where are you? Come
to the aid of your good friend, Carol, who is without any doubt,
shivering from the cold and from the injustice of it all.