Thread: Ceramic Knives
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Default Ceramic Knives

Mark Thorson wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> >
> > I used to think that I did a reasonable job of sharpening my steel knives,
> > but they do not compare with my ceramic knives. They were extremely sharp
> > when I bought them, and after many years of use without sending them
> > out for sharpening, they are still are very sharp. Very, very sharp..

> If they are that good, why do they not make razors
> that way. I use an antique Rolls razor, because I
> like having a razor which lasts forever (but it
> requires stropping with every use).
> For more information on the Rolls razor, go he

I have one tucked away somewhere... an interesting concept that made
sense competing with Gilette Blue Blades but nowhere near as sharp as
today's disposables. Recently I treated myself to a Gilette Mach 3
Turbo, has *three* blades (the cherry red color grabed my attention),
geeze but that thing can shave tough beard, don't even feel it
shaving... so far I've gotten better than twenty shaves from the first
blade and no indication it's any duller than shave number one. I can't
even go back to the single edged BIC, wouldn't even attempt the Rolls.
