Thread: Ceramic Knives
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Default Ceramic Knives

Mark Thorson wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> >
> > Mark Thorson wrote:
> >
> > > If they are that good, why do they not make razors
> > > that way. I use an antique Rolls razor, because I
> > > like having a razor which lasts forever (but it
> > > requires stropping with every use).

> >
> > Good question. I have my grandfather's straight razor somewhere around
> > the house. I remember the double sided "safety razors" of a few decades
> > ago, and men walking around in the morning with little pieces of tissue
> > stuck to the nicks to staunch the flow of blood from the morning shave.

> I find myself getting fewer cuts and less razor burn
> from the Rolls razor than from disposables.

Um, you're supposed to *dispose* of the disposable well before 100

>I think
> that sharpness of the edge may be overrated, as compared
> to other factors that affect shaving.

Yes, ya cheap *******, yer supposed to use shaving cream, and turn on
your hot water heater.

A friend of
> mine who is quite susceptible to razor burn claims he gets
> best results with the disposables by breaking-in the blade
> by running it against something before first use.

Yeah, like brillo... probably onliest razors that wimp gets to use are
his wife's bikini cut discards.

Sheldon Lava