In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>Curly Sue wrote:
>> Are the Costco pies bad? The hardest part of a pumpkin pie is the
>> crust. The filling is just mixing ingredients together and baking and
>> should be very easy to do in quantity.
>> I make pumpkin pie for holidays, but I have had some nice commercial
>> ones.
>I remember a pumpkin pie cooking contest on food-tv. I forget the town
>but most competitors said canned pumpkin pie filling makes the best "blue
>ribbon" pies.
>I enjoy bakery bought pumpkin pies.
I am under standing orders from my mother to bring a pumpkin pie from
Fatapple's bakery in Berkeley for T-day dessert.
My mother and I are both good cooks but neither of us has ever mastered
pie crust.
My paternal grandmother, may she rest in peace, was an ace pie baker.
(She used to get up early on T-day and make her pies.) Fatapple's is as
good as hers.
We have it with real whipped cream, of course. (Certain of us regard
pumpkin pie as a whipped-cream delivery vehicle.)
We eat homemade chocolate truffles (made by me to Kay's recipe) and
homemade cookies (usually Mom's) when we are playing cards after dinner.
Last year when I hosted, I delegated dessert out to a pie-baker friend. I
would have cheerfully placed another order at Fatapple's, though.
Charlotte (waving hi!!)