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Default Is it copyright infringement to sell the result of a copywritten recipe?

On 30 Oct 2005 13:32:57 -0800, wrote:

> Is it a violation of copyright if I follow a recipe and sell the
> result? For example, if I see a recipe for chocolate chip cookies on
> the back of the box of Toll-House, follow that recipe, and then sell
> the product, is that product that is sold a violation of any copyright
> law? Doesn't the copyright just have to do with my copying the literary
> version, the words or the recipe, not the outcome of the formula or
> recipe? Thanks for any help.

I have absolutely no idea... but you could alter an ingredient or
cooking time slightly and there you more problems - it's just
like doing a field study. Recipes aren't as complicated as the music
industry, if that's what drove your query.