The Decree
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The Decree Pin g Terry
Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 16:37:01 -0500, Margaret Suran
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> >> In article >,
> >>
(Victor Sack) wrote:
> In article >,
(Victor Sack) wrote:
> >>> Official Announcement
> >>>
> >>>Upon careful consideration of the case of a grave offence against public
> >>>decency on the trollop family newsgroup and an active insubordination by
> >>>the formerly named "Damsel-in-dis-Dress", The Cabal (TINC) hereby
> >>>decrees that, as a reflection of the new and regrettable reality, the
> >>>above person is henceforth to be referred to as "Damsel-in-the-Nude".
> >>>
> >>>The Cabal (TINC)
> >>
> >>
> >> To D-i-t-N ! Hear, hear! Long may she live and flourish.
> >
> >I have already voiced my opinion in a private email to the Cabal
> >(TINC). It is a heartless decree, all the more so, as the weather is
> >not conducive to strutting around in the nude.
> >
> >I would like to know whether Terry can advise us as to whether what
> >the Cabal (TINC) has decreed, is even legal. After all, if the power
> >behind that decree is a man who is also an 83 year old grandmother and
> >an 85 year old janitor, it sounds as if this is a case of Triple
> >Indemnity.
> >
> >If Terry cannot get involved with this, I know that Carol will have a
> >wonderful spokes person in Nancy Young. Nancy, where are you? Come
> >to the aid of your good friend, Carol, who is without any doubt,
> >shivering from the cold and from the injustice of it all.
> <apologies for not snipping, but I couldn't figure out what to snip>
> As one of the original Trollops, I believe I can say without fear of
> contradiction that our original charter covers just such an attempt at
> the usurpation of our Rights and Privileges as Mr. Sack and his
> TINCers has, uh, attempted. Only a sister Trollop has the authority to
> redefine a a sister Trollop's moniker and mode of dress or lack
> thereof. Therefore, this Trollop is informed and believes and thereon
> alleges that TINCers are without standing in the matter, lack
> jurisdiction and <peering closely at Mr. Sack> has really beady eyes,
> set too close together, which pretty much decides the matter on its
> face.
> Appeals may be heard at the Ninth Circuit, also known as the Nutty
> Ninth, due to their decisions being reversed more than any other
> circuit in the United States, for all the good it will do them.
Thanks so much for your efforts, Terry. But I've caved under Victor's
brutal bullying.
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