Thread: The Decree
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Victor Sack
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Default The Decree Pin g Terry

Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:

> (Victor Sack) wrote:
> >>> Official Announcement
> >>>
> >>>Upon careful consideration of the case of a grave offence against public
> >>>decency on the trollop family newsgroup and an active insubordination by
> >>>the formerly named "Damsel-in-dis-Dress", The Cabal (TINC) hereby
> >>>decrees that, as a reflection of the new and regrettable reality, the
> >>>above person is henceforth to be referred to as "Damsel-in-the-Nude".
> >>>
> >>>The Cabal (TINC)

> As one of the original Trollops, I believe I can say without fear of
> contradiction that our original charter covers just such an attempt at
> the usurpation of our Rights and Privileges as Mr. Sack and his
> TINCers has, uh, attempted. Only a sister Trollop has the authority to
> redefine a a sister Trollop's moniker and mode of dress or lack
> thereof. Therefore, this Trollop is informed and believes and thereon
> alleges that TINCers are without standing in the matter, lack
> jurisdiction and <peering closely at Mr. Sack> has really beady eyes,
> set too close together, which pretty much decides the matter on its
> face.

The above paralegal opinion is hereby declared irrelevant, without merit
and thus null and void, for the offender in question is not some
ordinary "sister trollop", but the one and only Head Trollop, who,
moreover, explicitly and publicly acknowledged The Cabal's (TINC)
jurisdiction over her moniker.

The not-so-concealed sneaky attempts from some corners to denigrate the
person of Head Trollop have not escaped The Cabal's (TINC) notice.
Grave as her offences are, they do not warrant equating her with
ordinary sister trollops, let alone with invertebrates like shrimp,
naked though they might be. It is clear that some individuals are using
the current scandal for actively trying to undermine and ultimately
usurp the Head Trollop's enviable position under the guise of defending
the indefensible. The Cabal (TINC) is, for the time being, reserving
action against the individuals involved.

The Cabal (TINC)