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Default Hallowe'en dinner party

Debbie wrote:
> sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 10:23:44 -0500, Debbie wrote:
>>>> I
>>>> have decided on having chicken legs (baby legs) and chicken wings
>>>> (bat wings), just haven't decided on the method to cook them.
>>> I recommend making Mahogony Wings... it's been a long time since
>>> I've done it, but IMO - that's the recipe you need for "bat wings".
>>> Here's a recipe I grabbed from the net - you may already have a
>>> better one.
>>> Mahogany Chicken Wings Recipe #5054

> Thanks! It looks wonderful. I have printed it off and put it with
> my other options. Will be deciding soon.
> Debbie
> "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and
> stupidity." Harlan Ellison

Speaking of Harlan... a collection of his short stories called 'Strange
Wine' is a good one.
