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Default Is it copyright infringement to sell the result of a copywrittenrecipe?

> Here is what the Government just emailed me (I sent almost the
> identical question):
> "No. Recipes or formulas are not protected by copyright. It is only
> when a recipe is accompanied by substantial literary expression in the
> form of an explanation or directions, or when there is a combination of
> recipes, as in a cookbook, that there may be a basis for copyright
> protection. Even then, it does not protect the listing of ingredients
> or prevent others from preparing the recipe.
> ***********rg***********************
> Copyright Office
> Library of Congress
> 101 Independence Ave SE
> Washington DC 20559
> (202) 707-3000
> **********************************"

Where exactly did you email to ask the question? The reason I ask is -
a very similar question has come up in a quilting group that I frequent.
I would like to get an "official" answer

Thanks in Advance

Roberta (in VA)