Thread: Ceramic Knives
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Default Ceramic Knives

Sheldon wrote:
> It don't [doesn't] get more academic... something anyone with an ounce
> of common sense would know... anyone ever ****ed on a sandy beach would
> know...[snip]

I've never had any difficulty in washing sand out of places it didn't
belong. Similarly, after I sharpen one of my pocketknives on the
diamond stone I rinse it and dry it. What I rinse off is steel, not
diamonds. It has never occurred to me that I was embedding tiny
diamond particles in the steel that would masturbate the edge and dull
it. You sure can't tell by using it -- that sucker is sharp!

Occasionally I touch up a kitchen knife with an Edge Craft diamond
honing device. Again, when I rinse and dry the knife the residue is
steel. I've had the device for years and haven't seen any unusual wear
on the blades and they don't need sharpening any more frequently.

> Tons of info... search <abrasives and charging> [snips]

Well, I may look when I get time, but right now your premise doesn't
strike me as common sensical. That's why I asked for a source. -aem