WAY OT- was Wanna See My Butternuts?
Puester wrote:
> Carol Damsel Peterson wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> >>Now you just _know_ that subject line sounded kinky...... ;-)
> >
> >
> > This reminded me of something that has absolutely nothing to do with
> > cooking. Ya know, when I had my mastectomies, I opted out of the
> > tattoo and stuff to make them look more real. We're going to check out
> > the tattoo shop in town and see what it would cost to have water
> > faucets tattooed where the nipples would have been, labeled HOT and
> > COLD.
> >
> > Yeah, Crash and I are weird, but I think that would be fun!
> >
> > Carol
> >
> FUN??? OUCH!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine many more sensitive
> places to stick needles.
Actually the chest area is probably least sensitive to pain... I have
many tats, a huge one on my chest of tall ships, yes shipS, an entire
fleet in full sail, water, lighthouse, clouds, birds, and fancy
banners. There are many more body parts where tats are far more
That said, and from vast up close and personal experience, I'd not
recommend tattooed facial cosmetics, especially not about the eyes,
unless in about twenty years you won't mind having ancient Batty Davis
Sheldon Popeye