WAY OT- was Wanna See My Butternuts?
Sheldon wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > Carol Damsel Peterson wrote:
> >
> > > Yeah, Crash and I are weird, but I think that would be fun!
> >
> > FYI: getting a tattoo hurts and I wouldn't do it anywhere on my body.
> ... never get
> a tatoo on a whim, especially not anything weird... knowing how Damsel
> deals with emotionality (she doesn't)...
Golly gee, thanks.
> Never get a tat you'd be ashamed to show the world, including your
> mother, father, and your kids.
My parents would love it! My daughter has at least 4 tattoos that I'm
aware of including a huge one that she designed herself. I don't think
a couple faucets would harm her psyche.
I think I'll just stick with posting recipes and leave the "fun" stuff
to others. Do you take candy away from small children, too?