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Default WAY OT- was Wanna See My Butternuts?

In article . com>,
"Sheldon" > wrote:

> sf wrote:
> > Carol Damsel Peterson wrote:
> >
> > > Yeah, Crash and I are weird, but I think that would be fun!

> >
> > FYI: getting a tattoo hurts and I wouldn't do it anywhere on my body.

> Physical pain is the least of it (tats really don't hurt much, after 30
> seconds the area numbs and all you feel is some heat and the vibration
> from the needle),

Try that on your eyelids, then say that. ;-)
I've also heard of genital tattoos... but I'd pass.

but the emotional pain can last for life... never get
> a tatoo on a whim, especially not anything weird...

And most tattoo parlors won't cater to you if you are drunk.

knowing how Damsel
> deals with emotionality (she doesn't) I'd not recommend she get faucet
> nipples (let big brave Crash get em first). A topless Betty Boop with
> huge mammarys, in full view on her lower leg, would be far more
> *ironic* and infinitely more appealing, titilating, and um, tasteful.

Actually, a friend of mine at work talked about having a little
tasmanian devil with a lawnmower tatooed right next to her pubic hairs,
then shaving a stripe thru them. ;-)

I thought it was pretty funny.

> Never consider a tattoo for the fun of it, the fun element wears off
> real fast, like in about two hours, a lot faster than the scab falls
> off... and don't let anyone tell you it can be removed later, yeah, the
> SKIN can be removed, the scar will be far more disfiguring than any
> tattoo (better off tattooing over with flowers)... even the new fangled
> laser removal leaves horrible scarring (like a burn victim). Think
> twice, cut once.

That's one reason I've never had a "picture" tattoo done. I've always
been afraid I'd get tired of the artwork. The eyeliner was different. I
got it when I was 31 and I'm now 43 and have yet to regret it.

> I have lots of tats, but I have no regrets (only one girl's name, now
> under posies). My favorite is on my left inner forearm, been there
> 'bout 50 years, a heavily testicaled octopus fornicating with a damsel
> sans dress. Women love it.

Jpegs please?

> Never get a tat you'd be ashamed to show the world, including your
> mother, father, and your kids.
> A common hobby of Dermatologists is collecting photos of their
> patient's tattoos, more than one has mine archieved.
> Sheldon




"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson