Thread: Skate Wings
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Bob (this one)
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Default Skate Wings

Peter Aitken wrote:
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Sally Swindells wrote:
>>>The fish was very fresh (collected from fisherman this morning as he
>>>sorted his catch). We used a new recipe which involved simmering for
>>>20 minutes in water and a tiny bit of white wine vinegar and a little
>>>chopped onion and carrot. I wonder if it was this longer than usual
>>>cooking time that caused the problem. Usually I fry for 4-5 minutes on
>>>each side, or poach for about 12 minutes.

>>It was a way longer than usual time. They either need to be cooked for a
>>short time or a very long time. Like squid.
>>The most common way of cooking them is a fast fry in butter which is
>>permitted to become brown butter. It's a sear more than a real fry.
>>If poaching, even 12 minutes is getting out close to too long. I'm
>>assuming that these wings were from reasonably small critters - not like a
>>foot across or even close.

> In my experience, a foot across is a very small skate. We have caught
> hundreds over the years and very few are that small.

Unclear writing on my part. I was referring to each wing as being that
size. Sorry.

> We never figured out
> how to cook them, however. We had heard that properly prepared the wings
> taste like scallops. Not to us!

Yeah. I've heard that, too and never found it to be the case, either.
Simplest way is grill them or saute them. Very subtle flavor so no
strong condiments.
