Deep fried byproduct
pix924 wrote:
> I would like to know what folks do with the grease left over from
> deep-frying. I do not do this to my food very often, and I will store
> some in my electric fryer, which has a top to keep it somewhat free of
> contamination in between uses. There are times one needs to change it,
> as when it has been a month or so between uses, when you want to fry
> something that will leave some flavor in the grease, when you fry
> something that leaves a lot of bits at the bottom of the fryer, etc. I
> also do some frying on the stove. I have no idea how to deal with used
> oil. I hold bacon grease in the fridge.
My ex-FIL lives in a small town in Illinois. There is no trash
collection. One year he gave his wife a new "burn barrel" as a Mother's
Day gift (sentimental softie that he is). I wonder what would hapen if
you tried disposing the oil/fat in a burn barrel.