Chicken feet for stock
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Bob (this one)
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Chicken feet for stock
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>>One time, maybe 1979 or so, sitting out back of one of my restaurants
>>and eating, away from the madness, guy came along and saw what I was
>>eating (maybe 6 or 8 feet, salt and pepper) and he asked if he could
>>have one. Suit and tie kinda guy, frayed a bit and not completely clean.
>>I gave him one and he told an amazing story about his parents coming
>>from Russia and how they raised and slaughtered chickens for sale and
>>kept the feet, combs and wattles for themselves to eat. They sold
>>everything else. He said he hadn't had a foot in years and he cried
>>while we sat there, remembering. Talked about his sister who lived in
> My Uncle Morris was a very Americanized Polish Jew. When Aunt Gracie
> made chicken soup, the feet were reserved for Uncle Morris. So was the
> flanken.
Those chickens had flanken? Big, muscular, furry chickens that mooed,
maybe? <LOL>
Uncle Morris was a lucky guy.
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