Skate Wings
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 14:52:32 -0600, OmManiPadmeOmelet
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Sally Swindells > wrote:
>> Can anyone help - I have just attempted to eat a meal of skate wings
>> which were as 'tough as old boots!'
>> The fish was very fresh (collected from fisherman this morning as he
>> sorted his catch). We used a new recipe which involved simmering for
>> 20 minutes in water and a tiny bit of white wine vinegar and a little
>> chopped onion and carrot. I wonder if it was this longer than usual
>> cooking time that caused the problem. Usually I fry for 4-5 minutes on
>> each side, or poach for about 12 minutes.
>> They were completely inedible, and ended up being whizzed in the food
>> processor with a portion of mashed potatoes (mine!) and made into fish
>> cakes, which were actually quite nice.
>> Do I avoid skate wings in future, or were they just overcooked?
>> --
>> Sally at the Seaside~~~~~~~where the fish is fresh from the sea
>Did you peel them?
Thanks everyone for your help.
They were approx 10" x 7" each, and were cooked on the bone unskinned.
We have had them before but not often, and this was a new recipe with
the longer cooking time. Will try them again using the shorter cooking
time recipe, as it seems there is a consensus that this was the reason
for the rubberyness.
When we lived inland I bought some from a fish shop and when I started
to prepare them found they smelt of ammonia. They went straight in the
bin, but according to one of my cookery books some people rinse them
off and cook them. It must be something peculiar to skate. They smelt
horrible! Now at least I know they are fresh.
Sally at the Seaside~~~~~~~