Potato topping - egg or no egg??
Jen wrote:
> "aem" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
>>Jen wrote:
>>>What are your thoughts. Some recipes use the mash potato with egg and
>>>butter, some just with milk and butter, some say to brush egg on top,
>>>say to brush butter on top. Which works best?
>>My first thought is, what are you trying to make? If this is a
>>followup to some other postings, they didn't come through to me. -aem
> No, it's just a general question. I just thought of it because a little
> while ago someone was talking about shepherds pie and cottage pie. Which
> I'll probably make at some time. But I was just wondering in general
> Jen
Jen, for shepherds pie I don't use egg or milk on top. I sprinkle on a
light layer of bread crumbs and add a couple of dabs of butter.