WAY OT- was Wanna See My Butternuts?
A whim is momentary, but a tattoo lasts a lifetime. Carol can always
have temporary tattoos designed to conform to her whims.
Personally, tattoos have always turned me off no matter how "tasteful"
they are (like those vines around ankles).
Tattoos of WWII are the equivalent of breast augmentation today:
ubiquitous, but not the smartest thing to do. I'm older, those men
are really OLD farts and their tattoos look even worse to me now.
On 31 Oct 2005 11:14:13 -0800, Sheldon wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > Carol Damsel Peterson wrote:
> >
> > > Yeah, Crash and I are weird, but I think that would be fun!
> >
> > FYI: getting a tattoo hurts and I wouldn't do it anywhere on my body.
> Physical pain is the least of it (tats really don't hurt much, after 30
> seconds the area numbs and all you feel is some heat and the vibration
> from the needle), but the emotional pain can last for life... never get
> a tatoo on a whim, especially not anything weird... knowing how Damsel
> deals with emotionality (she doesn't) I'd not recommend she get faucet
> nipples (let big brave Crash get em first). A topless Betty Boop with
> huge mammarys, in full view on her lower leg, would be far more
> *ironic* and infinitely more appealing, titilating, and um, tasteful.
> Never consider a tattoo for the fun of it, the fun element wears off
> real fast, like in about two hours, a lot faster than the scab falls
> off... and don't let anyone tell you it can be removed later, yeah, the
> SKIN can be removed, the scar will be far more disfiguring than any
> tattoo (better off tattooing over with flowers)... even the new fangled
> laser removal leaves horrible scarring (like a burn victim). Think
> twice, cut once.
> I have lots of tats, but I have no regrets (only one girl's name, now
> under posies). My favorite is on my left inner forearm, been there
> 'bout 50 years, a heavily testicaled octopus fornicating with a damsel
> sans dress. Women love it.
> Never get a tat you'd be ashamed to show the world, including your
> mother, father, and your kids.
> A common hobby of Dermatologists is collecting photos of their
> patient's tattoos, more than one has mine archieved.
> Sheldon