Thread: Skate Wings
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Bob (this one)
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Default Skate Wings

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>And shark is a fish

> Not really... ;-)

Yes. Really. "It is believed that sharks arose in the sea, but that the
bony fishes arose in fresh water."

> They are related to skates and rays.
> Class chondroicthyes or cartilaginous fish.

Um, sharks and rays and all the rest of the cartilaginous critters are
classed with fish. "Chondrichthyes means "cartilage fishes"."

> Bony fish are Osteichthyes.
> Different skelatal structures and reproductive systems.

But all fish. Bones aren't the distinguishing characteristics of fish.
And the range of reproductive systems just among sharks is bizarre
enough. Neither is a determinant.

> Far more primitive.

"At one time, it was thought that the cartilaginous condition was
primitive but now it is thought that it evolved as a specialization."
All quoted notes from this web site.

> But I do agree that shark does not taste like skate, or anything
> remotely resembling scallops.
> I have been told that cut Stingray is supposed to taste similar, but
> I've never had the chance to try Stingray.

Stingray and skate are essentially indistinguishable, culinarily speaking.
