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Default (MSG) Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!

Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!

I feel compelled to share this! Maybe old news to some but I'm psyched!

For over a year I've suffered with pain in my one foot that has had
this big ol' bad biker on the verge of tears! Pain that I can only
describe as like a red hot icepick being stuck into various places in
my foot and ankle! MANY sleepless nights. At worst I pointed my pistol
at my foot thinking the pain could only be lessened if I blew my foot
off! Well nevermind, it WAS just a thought! My Doctor gave me Neurontin
with 'NO' effect 'cept to make me 'rummy'...

It was only recently that, on my own, I realized a correllation of
'PAIN' with a particular food product I ate on a regular basis! This
realization was made apparent when I had doubled-up the portions,
resulting in GREATER pain!

It seems to be the MSG content in the seasoning packages contained in
those "RAMEN" type noodle soups! I was eating at least one of them a
day and it was when I doubled the portion that the lightbulb lighted! I
have since stopped eating them and the pain has all but vanished! I
mean if at worst it was gauged at 100, my pain is now only at 5, and
not at all as frequent!

So there ya are! I hope this helps someone!

Little Joe