It's getting to be that time
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It's getting to be that time
In article >,
(Curly Sue) wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 05:44:03 -0600, OmManiPadmeOmelet
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> >
(Curly Sue) wrote:
> <snip>
> >> I also made my traditional (jell-o) brain and brought that in to work.
> >> There's always someone new who hasn't seen it before
And, it's
> >> pretty tasty!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >That is soooo delightfully disgusting. ;-)
> >
> >I might have to try that at work.
> >I presume that is a commercially available mold.......
> Yes, I've had this one for quite a few years but have run across it in
> mail order catalogs. There's also a heart mold.
> >To make it look even more real, I'd take some more liquidy blood-red
> >jello and run it over the top so the "blood" would settle in the
> >crevices. <eg>
> >
> >Om -> who has seen autopsies.......
> The time I made this at my parents' (for Christmas, no less), my
> mother looked at it on the platter and said "It needs a garnish."
Your mom sounds like she has the same sense of humor my mom had! ;-D
I miss her but have a lot of good memories...
> So we do use thawed frozen strawberries which gives it a bloody-clotty
> look. I took that photo before I left for work, so I didn't "dress it
> up."
> Sue(tm)
> Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!
Well done!
Thanks for sharing that......
I'll have to look for that mold.
It'd be SO perfect for parties at work!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson
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