(MSG) Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
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(MSG) Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
> Neuropathy & Diabetes, My foot pain is gone!
> I feel compelled to share this! Maybe old news to some but I'm psyched!
> For over a year I've suffered with pain in my one foot that has had
> this big ol' bad biker on the verge of tears! Pain that I can only
> describe as like a red hot icepick being stuck into various places in
> my foot and ankle! MANY sleepless nights. At worst I pointed my pistol
> at my foot thinking the pain could only be lessened if I blew my foot
> off! Well nevermind, it WAS just a thought! My Doctor gave me Neurontin
> with 'NO' effect 'cept to make me 'rummy'...
> It was only recently that, on my own, I realized a correllation of
> 'PAIN' with a particular food product I ate on a regular basis! This
> realization was made apparent when I had doubled-up the portions,
> resulting in GREATER pain!
> It seems to be the MSG content in the seasoning packages contained in
> those "RAMEN" type noodle soups! I was eating at least one of them a
> day and it was when I doubled the portion that the lightbulb lighted! I
> have since stopped eating them and the pain has all but vanished! I
> mean if at worst it was gauged at 100, my pain is now only at 5, and
> not at all as frequent!
I seriously doubt any doctor would prescribe this drug before doing a
workup, including blood tests. I don't think 1-2 ramen seasoning
packets a day would alone cause so severe an effect, you must have some
underlying medical problem.
Pronunciation: (gab-uh-PEN-tin)
Gabapentin is used with other medications to help control seizures in
adults and children (3 years of age and older). It is also used to
relieve nerve pain associated with shingles (herpes zoster) infection
in adults.
OTHER USES: Gabapentin may also be used to treat other nerve pain
conditions (e.g., diabetic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy,
trigeminal neuralgia).
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